Tres Leches Cake Latte Recipe

Save Recipe We're putting cake in your coffee, but not just any cake. Tres leches means "three milks" in Spanish. The classic Latin American tres leches cake is a sponge cake soaked in evaporated milk, half-and-half (or heavy cream), and sweetened condensed milk.

These Empanadas Are Inspired by Creamed Spinach

There are lots of different vegetable fillings for empanadas ( black bean and corn, pumpkin, and so many more), but this vegetarian empanada recipe inspired by creamed spinach in a bread bowl is my favorite. You can play around with the sharp and creamy combination of cheeses - mozzarella, cream cheese, and Parmesan - in this filling.

This Pumpkin Tres Leches Cake Is Packed with Fall Spices

Pastel de tres leches, the classic soaked "three milks" cake, is a traditional dessert throughout Latin America - a standard celebration cake at birthday parties, family gatherings, and holidays. Despite being soaked in a milk bath made from evaporated milk, canned sweetened condensed milk, and either half-and-half or milk, it's not the least bit soggy.

Forget Mashed Potatoes: Mashed Mofongo Is the Crispy-Creamy Side You Need

In my opinion, Thanksgiving is all about the side dishes - and no Thanksgiving meal is complete without some sort of potato or starch. But even though I love potatoes (after all, I'm from Latin America, the birthplace of the potato), sometimes I'm bored by the singular texture of mashed potatoes.

If You Love Eggnog, You Need to Try Ron Ponche

A sip of ron ponche - Latin America's version of eggnog - tastes like Christmas to me. The Panamanian custard-style beverage is creamy, spiced perfection, and is usually sipped during los Tiempos de Navidad (the Christmas holidays) and particularly during Año Nuevo (New Year). Ron ponche requires patience - not only in preparation, but also consumption.

Chicken & Cheese Tamales with Green Chile Sauce

While tamales are a staple of Latin American cuisine, they're also a labor of love. The KitchenAid Stand Mixer has the power to take it all on in Marisel's recipe, working as the perfect everyday appliance to save time and take her tamales to the next level.

A Plantain Upside Down Cake Recipe With Eternal Appeal

It's 2022, and banana bread is so lockdown 2020. But platanos upside down cake? That will never get old. As someone who always keeps yellow platanos, or plantains, handy on my kitchen counter or in my freezer, I'm always looking for new ways to make use of them.

Arroz Con Pollo Panameño Recipe on Food52

Photo by Julia Gartland Prop Stylist: Suzie Myers Food Stylist: Yossy Arefi Author Notes Though I was raised by a working single mother, we ate plenty of home-cooked meals. I first had Panamanian-style arroz con pollo when we lived in Hawaii and Japan, where bottles of olives and spices were shipped to us from the other side of the world.

Baked Plátanos With Queso and Crema Is a Sweet-Savory Snack That Takes 3 Ingredients

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) Save Recipe Platanos (or plantains) are a starchy banana variety commonly used in Latin American cooking. Some dishes call for unripened green plantains, while others use plátanos machos or maduros, which are yellow and ripe.

This Creamy Spiked Horchata Calls for Your Favorite Dark Rum

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) Save Recipe Horchata is a cinnamon and rice based beverage popular throughout Latin America and Spain. The Spanish version is made with tiger nuts ( horchata de chufa).

Switch up your stuffing by swapping seasoned rice for the usual bread

Rice stuffing for Thanksgiving? You better believe this will become a fast favorite. Rather than deal with soggy breadcrumb-based stuffing, whip up this flavorful and tender rice stuffing for your Thanksgiving turkey, chicken or to eat on its own.

This Festive Guava-Cream Cheese Thumbprint Cookie Recipe Puts a Cuban Spin on a Holiday Classic

As a teenage Latina immigrant newly arrived in the United States, I remember feeling that the act of making holiday thumbprint cookies was a part of the process of becoming a "real" American, as though mastering decorated cookies would somehow help me attain citizenship.

A Quicker Way to Make Comforting, Deliciously Tender Ropa Vieja

Ropa vieja is a dish of shredded meat stewed in a tomato-based sauce. Its an emblematic, popular Cuban recipe that uses simple ingredients and is relatively easy to prepare. Translating to "old clothes," it stems from the Spanish legend of a man who did not have any food to feed his family.

No More Store-Bought Seasoning! Make Adobo Seasoning at Home

Adobo seasoning is an all-purpose dry spice blend often found in Caribbean and Latin American cuisine. It typically contains salt, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, black pepper, cumin, and oregano. The exact mix can vary- some adobo blends may contain turmeric, touches of fiery heat like cayenne, or citrus elements such as dried lemon zest.

How to Make a Flavorful Sazón Spice Blend at Home

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) Save Recipe A staple ingredient in Latin American cooking, sazón is known for its distinctive savory taste and the red-brown hue that it adds to food. This popular garlicky spice blend is traditionally of achiote (annatto), salt, cumin, coriander, garlic, oregano, and pepper.

Hawaiian Sweet Roll Cubano Sliders

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) Save Recipe As a Cuban who also lived in Hawaii, these Hawaiian Sweet Roll Cubano Sliders perfectly capture my upbringing between soft buns. Hawaiian rolls are like a sweeter, fluffy Martin's potato roll that combine beautifully with the sharp flavors of meat and condiments.

This Is How to Make CREAMY Coconut Milk Chicken

This step-by-step recipe for pollo de coco (aka coconut milk chicken) will take your taste buds on a trip! This bright chicken dish doesn't get its cheery hue from turmeric or curry powder-rather, it's made with sazón, a popular Puerto Rican spice.

This Tropical Yule Log Is the Perfect Christmas Dessert

Many bakeries or panaderiás across Latin America offer rolled cakes filled with creams, chocolates, and fruit jams year-round. Around Christmastime, my favorite version arrives: a tropical rolled sponge cake with a guava filling. Often called brazo gitano (gypsy's arm) or brazo egipcio (Egyptian's arm), its origins are murky, although some believe a monk brought the recipe from Egypt to Spain.

These Vegan Enchiladas Are Meaty and Satisfying

Saucy, comforting, and meaty - yet meatless. These spiced-up, vegan red sauce enchiladas are totally animal-free and bursting with flavor. I love experimenting with making Latin American dishes vegan. Although I grew up eating ooey-gooey cheese and beef (or chicken) enchiladas, it's totally possible to achieve that same satiating feeling with plants.

Try This Pollo Campero-Style Air Fryer Chicken Recipe Right at Home

Nothing screams comfort food like fried chicken. Fried chicken's popularity has spanned the globe, even taking over Latin America. For the past several decades, there has been a huge boom in fried chicken restaurant chains in South and Central America thanks to the popular Latin fried chicken spot Pollo Campero.

These Vegan Burritos Are Seriously Hefty

This super-stuffed vegan burrito is filled with spiced black beans, zesty cilantro-lime rice, a cheesy (yet cheese-free) queso sauce, salsa, and guacamole, and sealed with a quick sear in the pan. The mix of fresh herbs, spices, savory vegetables, citrus, and clever queso sauce is what creates an incredibly tasty and satiating burrito without any animal products.

Loaded Plantain Nachos

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) Save Recipe Plantains will become your new favorite chip, especially in these loaded plantain nachos. Plátanos, or plantains, are a starchy banana variety commonly used throughout Latin America.